Tuesday, August 31, 2010

8/31/2010- Boys, boys, boys

I am going to admit something that would earn me reproach from some of my feminist friends- I love pictures of boys and men, and I love taking them. I would like to do an exhibition when I am old of "The Essence of Men," (or something like that) of all the pictures I've taken all my life of them. More specifically, I like pictures of men relating to each other in unique ways or doing things that are not usually considered "manly," but that everyone knows they do anyway. I love this picture of a festival in Bulgaria because it's completely cultural and unique but also so very...male. I love the arms around each other, the pride, the snow and bagpipes. I think it's also composed well, with receding lines, or whatever you call them. But you just can't beat the subjects.
I love this one for the same reasons--the picture was titled, "Fed Up," and I think that perfectly describes their relationship with their surroundings (taken in the UK) and with each other. Also, I get these kinds of looks from people a lot, because I take pictures of people wherever I go as long as they don't seem to mind (it's the, "What the heck--oh well, let her take the picture" look). I love black and white noncommercial portraits, so I'll probably be posting more of those kinds of pictures soon. 

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