Thursday, September 2, 2010

9/2/2010- Photograms, baby!

Patrick "Paddy" O'Rourke is a New Zealander who does drawings and then turns them into photograms. I don't understand how, but they are incredible! He says, "Cameraless and computerless I work across disciplines to produce pieces incorporating photogram, carbon paper, graphite and ink." The above is just incredibly detailed and beautiful in its negative look.
 This is a layered photogram in a light box, which has an incredible effect, bringing out the details and contrast of the black and white. I'm pretty sure the layers are still all his drawings. This is titled, "Helen," which I like, because it seems like he captured her a bit in the left and then used the rest of the space to bring in memories, objects, designs that he might link to Helen. It's a beautiful way to do a portrait. Below, see a layered photogram of his that uses his drawings and other media, like a photograph and a badge.

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