Friday, December 17, 2010

For the Week of Dec. 6- Unusual Silhouettes

At first glance, this eerie figure cuts a close resemblance to a KKK member. However, it is actually a  penitent from "La Sed" brotherhood, walking to the church to take part in a procession in Seville, Spain, during Easter week. I love the framing of the figure, and the almost perfect color matches in the dirt and window panes, and black windows and black figure. 
 This is a Muslim woman walking in an alley on her way to worship at a mosque in Palestine during Ramadan. It is such a figurative representation of Islamic women and the concept of identity hidden by veiling--here, the women is nothing but her white veil. It's ghostlike and beautiful, but sad.
 An Afghan man walks on the street as the sun sets in Southern Afghanistan. There is nowhere flat enough in the America I know to take a picture that makes it look like one is walking on the sun, or directly next to the sun. He looks like the last man alive on earth. 

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